Note Taking

This page is dedicated to the process and techniques of taking notes. There are many ways in which to take notes; the foundation of good note taking is organization and useful information. In order to accomplish this goal, the note taker must have a basic understanding of the topic being studied. The goal of note taking is to break down a body of text into a useful and easily accessible format. This will always be done through identifying the main and key ideas of the information. The example that follows is a good example of picking apart a body of text into key information.


One of the most frequent note taking techniques used in our class is the Movie Frame Note. The MFN consists of a sketch and a brief description of the topic being studied. The sketch is drawn in a box on the left side of the page and the notes are written on the 4-5 lines to the right of the drawing box. The first picture below is a MFN handout; please note, more times than not, MFNs will be created in your notebooks (second picture below.)

Sketchnotes are visual notes that expand on standard note taking. More so, Sketchnotes are an advanced form of MFNs. This type of note taking does not follow a traditional note taking format. Instead, Sketchnotes depend on the note taker's mind to organize and design words and images to present a topic. Sketchnotes use symbols, graphs, sketches, and note taking techniques. Below are several examples, on a various topics, of Sketchnotes. 

(Click on picture for larger image)